Hard to believe, yet it seems to be true; Konami has not only become a company that is staggering out of the console gaming industry it had greatly helped to shape over the past 30 years (yup, the first games they helped onto the good old NES happened way back in 1985) but also a place that has slipped into 1984-esque Orwellian nightmare, where employees are treated worse than inmates. The article over at GamesIndustry.biz highlights some of the reasons Konami is becoming a number one gaming company to hate. Watch out, EA, your throne has been challenged!
Konami meets Orwell – how not to do business in gaming industry
written by Vlad The Impaler
Vlad The Impaler
Vlad Tepes aka Vlad the Impaler. 30 years a gamer, worked in gaming industry for 15 years as a reviewer, editor and video creator. Loves strategy games and military simulations, but will play almost anything if you feed him a donut. Runs this website and a YouTube channel for fun - come join and say hi!