7. Sins of a Solar Empire
This game which is dating back to 2008 as well as a number of its DLC’s that followed has become a “household name” for everyone who is truly into 4X games titles. With frequent upgrades and finally with the stand-alone expansion Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion, this game provided a unique sandbox experience as well carved a place in the heart of many gamers.
Sins of a Solar Empire has it all, from the sandbox mode of play to breathtaking starship battles in 3D environment. An interesting point are numerous total conversions, where you can embark into Star Wars or Star Trek universes (among others) and immerse yourself into their specific “look and feel” of the game. A shame that they never had rights for either of these universes. Stardock Entertainment has done a magnificent job here.
Should you want to embark into the Sins of a Solar Empire universe, I would recommend you to get Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion on Steam.
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